Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 10, 27th February 2009: I'm a little kid stalker what turf.

I actually have a slightly clearer pic of the boy but to protect his identity (furthermore since i don't exactly have permission to take or post his pic), this will have to do!
Besides, look at the way he walks! It's like a bounce in every step XD!

I was at Daiso letting them rip the cash off my purse this afternoon, when i kneel down to check some stuffs and this little boy walked pass me and looked at me. I smiled at him, which he cheekily smile back and OMG IS OH SO ADORABLE!!!
Did i mention the kid is very good looking too?
I was using my phone at that time, and wanted to msg Loo Yee (another kid stalker =P!) to tell her about it, when the kid walk pass me again and while pointing my camera at him, i say "come, take picture".
The kid suddenly got VERY SHY and looked down and hugged his kakak's leg!! SUPER ADORABLE!!! So cheekyily shy OMG CUTE XD!!!

I was about to send the picture above to Loo when they walked in front of me again, and this time with a clearer view, so i took another pic again, but my shutter was too loud and the kakak just looked at me wondering what i did!
It was kinda embarassing really (note to self: always ask for permission to take pics!!), so i just pretended nothing happened and went on to send the pic i just took! But really... ask permission next time XD!!

ps: We're not pedophiles or whatsoever, we just like looking at cute kids! They are adorable ok, the way they walk and all... especially those blur blur cheeky shy ones!! Ooh, and good-looking ones XD!!!
Of course, and responsive little kids! I don't really like those that just stare blankly back at you, it's like... hello i'm smiling at you please smile back or i'll look like some weird aunty now!!

Anyways, i guess its a "motherly-instinct" sort of thing kicking in? Kids (some) are adorable (^^ )!!~

pps: Ooh, and at U Parkson just now (around 9pm-ish?), i saw this SUPER CUTE super-Cina-looking kid!
He was kinda plump and all, and though without rosy cheeks, he looks exactly like a China-baby! Adorableness XD!~

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 9, 26th February 2009: My new neighbours must be vampires.

This is the proof.

Who so anti-social until board up the whole house like that lar???
Yeah, my house was boarded too, but there's still ample space between that you can peek through (note the wood at my side)... but now... bloody neighbours boarded up even the "ample space" (note how their side of the wood are).
Ooh, punny, bloody neighbours, what turf.

Now it's like... so "dark" not airy anymore!!
Well, at least they don't build a brick-wall lar, so i'm grateful for that point... but because i like airy places and all... still grr!!!

Not like i'm going to peek at them right (unless if it's Super Junior...)??? They better be the Cullens or something honestly. BAH!!!

Which reminds me, there's another house nearby which was boarded up so tight that you can hardly peek, let alone see!! Then again, they i can understand why but also geram because can't see the view anymore!!!
Ah, so difficult to satisfy, not like that house is near mine (but hey it's part of the neighbourhood, community etc etc isn't it?)!!!

Ooh, and today is...
May you have a very Henney Birthday, what turf XD!!!
Ok lousy pun nyats!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 8, 25th February 2009: The Paw.

I love looking at her paws!
When it's not dirty, of course...

I have this theory that HeeChul actually recognizes the sound of my car (Angel), that so when she hears Angel coming home, she knows its me and so will be outside to "welcome" me.

Because today, mom was the one who drove, and HeeChul wasn't at the porch when i'm home. She was in deep sleep upstairs in my room, giving me *the look* when i greeted her and proceeded to continue sleeping which then i purposely attack her out of randomness and she got really annoyed.
Not that it matters, but it got me thinking... could it be possible?
What do you think?

Perasan case? Or is my theory right?

ps: Ok, now i remember maybe that theory is not "accurate", because i remember driving mom's car and sometimes she'll be there when i'm home.
So comes this theory that maybe if she was there to see me off, she knows which car i'm driving and thus would know which car to anticipate coming home?
... oh it doesn't really matter honestly, i'm just grateful (^^ )!~

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 7, 24th February 2009: So Chinese.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm just using the fact that i'm a Chinese as a *reason* for me to be... er... "stereotypically-Chinese"... anyways...

I have a lot of softtoys. In fact, i have *too much* softtoys!!!
However, the fact remains that when Guardian is giving out stickers to redeem Pa'ington Bears (gotto be Britishey you know?)... and since i do buy at Guardian (when the stuff i wanted is cheaper there as compared to Watson or anywhere else), might as well just collect right??
See, so Chinese.

But sometimes *because* to get the stickers, i ended up paying more because the stuff i wanted wasn't cheap there. Turf.
So Chinese.

Anyways, i collect the stamps just so i can get another teddy bear to add to my "too-much-but-i-still-love-them-all" collection.
And... the Pa'ington Bear is for Angel.
I reckon she's still bit lonely even though i already have like 5친구야 to accompany her.
Ok lar, i just want it and since i buy at Guardian anyways. What turf. Big rounds round the bush. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 6, 23rd February 2009: 구물.

I love fluffy clouds on *really* bright sunny days!

It makes you feel good no matter what!~
It's like, you're not in the city anymore... but rather, elsewhere... like by the beach or something...
Ah, bliss!~

As much as i love rainy days, i think i still prefer sunny days (^^ )!

Have you looked at the sky today?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 5, 22nd Feb 2009: 핸드폰.

My bro's new phone.
If only it's white!!!
It seems phones like this are a hit in Korea now ne??

Gosh, if only it's WHITE XD!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 4, 21st Feb 2009: D again.

Oh crap, i didn't realize it's a blur picture.
But nevertheless...

I'll never forget whatever happened then O(≧∇≦)O!
It was right when i liked D when i first saw him in an MV!
Yeah, my 13 boys first, and i guess i rarely talk about him... but... yeah...

You should've seen me when i first heard that he'll be in a drama!
I was thinking, "Ah, he finally "debuts"... now i get to see more of him!!"...
But somehow, the "selfish" part of me has also thought, "But ah, now more girls will like him too..."
It's wrong of me, because i didn't want to "share" him with anyone else then... but i guess everyone has an Angel and a Devil on each side of their shoulders ne?
As an artist, you're only happy when you have loads of fans and support etc! So whats most important is that everyone is happy!
(Very long and difficult to elaborate, so i'm not bothering to do so...)

Either ways... I'm correct aren't i? I can predict the future =P!~
One thing with loving my 13 boys, i've learned to be grateful for every moment i get to see them, and this eventually spreads!
So no matter what, i'm contended and grateful with even the chance to see him, especially after all this while* ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ!~

(*) = The story of only getting to see his "forehead" because there were too many people, and i was rushing home for prom so i can't stay longer (just so to be able to see his face)!!!
WHAT TURF, it makes me laugh every time i think about it XD!!!

Day 3, 20th Feb 2009: D.

My D.
You know how important something can be when you skip something which should be more "important" for it.
I should be explaining, but i refuse to. I just know it's worth-it.

It's funny how sometimes some small little things in life can make you smile the whole day just thinking about it (^^ )!~

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 2, 19th Feb 2009: The Angel and the Devil.

I love the "colour contrast". Hehehe!
Cow Cow going back to the forest today. Helped her to pack (more like kacau her, hehehe!) and it was "fun" looking for her hand phone... which we thought she dropped somewhere, and panicked... but it turns out she threw it inside her clothes laden cupboard and we couldn't find it because the clothes muffled the ringtone (= =")...

Seriously, she has too many clothes.
(Ok fine, so the picture was taken 8 minutes into 20th, and i posted it on the 20th... but surely it still counts for 19th since i haven't sleep yet??? =D)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 1, 18th Feb 2009: The Sky.

I love taking pics of the sky, especially when there are Fluffy Clouds!~
Although this picture isn't very clear and so, you probably don't see anything "special" in it... but it was amazing when i was looking it. There's like layers of clouds and all... me very likey (^^ )!~

Taken in Damansara Jaya on the way home in Mom's car.

Project 365: Just do it!

Project 365 is a project which you take a picture of your life everyday, post it... then in the future when you look back at the pictures you've taken, it's like reading a story you've once heard.

Mind, this Blog is specially for Project 365, which i'm very interested to participate! There's just something about looking back at fond memories, it puts a smile on my face (^^ )!~

Honestly, i'm not entirely 100% satisfied with this blog's name and add (as much as i love Summer and rainy days), so it's subject to change. In any case i did, i'll update it at my main Blog so... yeah =D!

Hope i'll really put myself to doing this (^^ )!~